One week before the Montreal Motorcycle Show, it is time to publish the details of the new adventure.
Above all, it should be noted that this year represents a milestone in the history of Ride to Stop MS. Indeed, I created this event in 2015, which means that it is 10 years old this year. Although this is not the scale of the big meetings organized by SP Canada, I still hope to reach the $50,000 mark in donations since its creation. You can help me with this!
Let's return to what interests us for the moment, the details of this new edition.
You've probably already seen my Facebook post announcing that I'm heading to Hudson Bay to dip my boots in the Arctic Ocean. I'm talking about dipping my boots in the water because I'm not sure it's warm enough to submerge my feet in. :)
If you've been following me for a while, you suspect that I'm not going to get there in a straight line! On the other hand, as it is a place with a very significant population of small black flies and given the allergic reaction to their bites that I had last year, I would not do motorcycle camping. So I'm going to sleep in the evening in the comfort of the motels I've booked.
Regarding my route, I will first take the 155 to Roberval then make a detour via Chibougamau to go to Val d'Or. Following this, I will go up to Radisson then Chisasibi. I will take the opportunity to visit the La Grande 1 and 2 power stations. Then I will drive again on the Billy-Diamond road to Amos then Mont Tremblant to finally return home.
You can see the plot by following this link, I also indicated some of my stops and points of interest. I will certainly add more of these as my research progresses. I still give myself a little time.
All this will represent a journey of approximately 3,800 km without counting a few detours and other small spontaneous asides.
Just like every year, you will be able to follow me on a Spot map that I will put in place for my departure. As for my motorcycle, my partner R4L Performance will ensure that it is in condition to meet the requirements of the road. As for the person riding the Africa Twin, it's Actiforme which will help me to be sufficiently fit. Given my current diligence, there is really a lot of work to be done!
To make this edition a success, you can donate via the SP Canada secure page: Donation Page.
You can also talk about it, spread the information or even encourage sponsors to support the event.
Merci de votre support :)
